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Ausubel proposed a theory of ‘Meaningful Verbal Learning’ based on a concept of Cognitive Subsumption (including in a group or not consider it separately). According to him learning is acquired through relating to existing knowledge. Nonsense learning, such as random collections of alphabet letters, is non-meaningful since the material cannot be related to the existing knowledge.

‘Subsumption Theory of Learning’ is based on the principle that prior learning is the most significant factor in determining the effectiveness of new learning. If the learner has acquired a set of abstractions and generalities which is stable, hierarchically organized and highly comprehensive; then he is able to relate new knowledge to existing knowledge and the learning is enhanced.

Cognitive structure implies, ‘a person’s knowledge of particular subject matter at any given time and the way it is organized. The available structure is the leading factor governing whether new material is potentially meaningful or not and how well it will be acquired and retained. So, it is desirable to increase the stability and clarity of our pupils’ prior knowledge before presenting the new one. It facilitates their acquisition and retention of new information’.

Advance Organizer

Ausubel defines a generalized set of concepts capable of subsuming later presented specific facts as an Advance Organizer. An Advance Organizer is a generalized statement presented prior to presentation of specific facts relevant to the statement.


There are two concepts have been suggested for programming content in the academic discipline.

1. Progressive Differentiation:

Here the most general ideas of the discipline are presented first, and then are progressively (gradually) differentiated in terms of detail and specificity.

2. Integrative reconciliation:

It simply means that how ideas should be consciously reconciled and integrated with the previously learned content.

Sequence of Activities

Stage-1: Presentation of the Organizer

This phase comprises three activities namely: (1) Clarifying the aims of the lesson (2) Presenting the Advance Organizer (3) Helping the student in the recall of relevant knowledge and experience. In the presentation of organizer involves identifying, defining attributes, giving examples, providing multi-context, repeating terminology of the subsumer and finally prompting awareness of relevant knowledge and experience in learner’s background.

Stage-2: Presentation of the learning task

This involves making of logical order of learning material explicit (clear) to the students, securing and maintaining student’s attention through the use of different techniques like stimulus variation. The teacher is required to make organization of the material explicit. It can be done through presentation of an outline or a diagram, verbal focusing and planned repetition.

Stage-3: Strengthening of Cognitive Organization

This stage involves consolidation of the learning task using principles of integrative reconciliation, promoting active reception, eliciting critical approach to subject matter and clarifying.


  1. The teacher assumes the major responsibility for organizing knowledge pertaining to the learning task.

  2. The teacher controls the intellectual structure so as to relate the learning material to the organizer and differentiating it from what has been previously learnt.

  3. The interaction is mainly from teacher to student, mainly in the first two phases.

  4. In the third phase, however, the situation becomes more interactive wherein the students initiate several questions and gives observations.


v  This makes the lecturing as effective

v  It can be applied to all subjects where explanation is required.

v  It emphasis on verbal learning

v  It enhances the meaningfulness of reception learning by providing subsuming concept to new ideas

v  It strengthens retention by providing a detailed explanation and association of ideas.

Educational Implications

  1. The implication is that, we must relate and reconcile what we know with what we are learning.

  2. The teacher should consider carefully the prior learning of the students and relate the advance organizer to that learning by citing similarities and differences between the new concepts and already learned one.

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