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The word technology derived from the Greek words ‘technic’ which means ‘art or skill’, ‘logia’ means ‘science’. So, technology means science of an art or skill.


  1. Technology is the set of instruments and skills which are used to satisfy the needs of the community – A. Hierra (1973)

  2. Technology is the knowledge organised for production – Sachs. I (1973).

  3. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to a practical purpose – Page. T


  1. It is the branch of knowledge which deals with industrial arts, applied sciences, engineering etc. and the application of the knowledge for practical ends in a particular field. E.g. Defense Technology.



  1. The systematic application of technological knowledge in the field of education towards the attainment of practical goals.

  2. It is a system of 5 M’s. ET is a System in education in which Machines, Materials, Media, Men, and Methods are interrelated and work together for the fulfillment of specific educational objectives.

ET – 1 

  1. It refers to the application of physical sciences and engineering technology to provide mechanical instruments or “hardware” which can be used for instructional purposes – James O. Finn and others (1960). E.g. still and motion pictures, tape-records, television, teaching machines, television, teaching machines and computer-based teaching.

ET – 2

  1. This refers to the application of scientific principles to instruction according to Skinner, Gagne and others. Here psychological principles of learning are stressed.

ET- 3

  1. ET-3 includes both ET-1 and ET-2, through the application of a system approach to education and training.

ET: Comprehensive meaning

  1. ET implies planning, implementing, and evaluating a system in education acc. to scientific principles so as to achieve the educational objectives at the maximum level.

Concept of ET

The concept of ET covers

  1. The application of modern technological principles to the solution of practical educational problems . . . . .

  2. ET also covers the development of electro-mechanical instruments utilizing the modern engineering principles and using them for educational purposes.

  3. Systematic utilization of technological findings for practical purposes of education.

  4. Development of electro-mechanical instruments to be used in the field of education.

Encyclopedia of Education

  1. Technology in education is the purposeful effort in combination or separately, of objects, techniques, devices, events, and relationships to increase the effectiveness of the educational process.


  1. In the 19th century-teaching machine in OhioUniversity by Sidney Pressey

  2. 1930-40 Lumsdain and Glaser, mechanized education

  3. 1950, B. F. Skinner’s Programmed learning

  4. 1950, Brynmore in England, the term “educational technology”

  5. 1960, other countries like USA, RUSSIA, England, Europe, and India. – Today modern gadgets.


  1. The systematic application of science and technology in education

  2. In providing efficiency to the task of teaching and learning

  3. In technical guidance and solution to the problems in education

  4. In effective communication between teacher and taught

  5. In specification of goals and behavioral objectives.

  6. Analysis of the characteristics of the learners

  7. Selection and organization of the content or subject-matter to be learned

  8. Methods and strategies of the presentation of the content

  9. Use of mass media and communication techniques, aid-material, software and hardware

  10. Effective arrangement of learning situations & Environment

  11. Effective class room control and management

  12. Continuous feed-back and evaluation of the results.

  13. ET is not limited to the use of audio-visual aids also not merely educational hardware but employs a combination of all possible human and non-human resources to achieve the desired educational objectives

  14. ET should stand for a wise application of the human and non-human resources for providing appropriate solution to the educational problems and to improve the processes and products of education.



1)   to identify educational needs and aspirations of the community.

2)   to determine the aims of education, strategies and structure of education.

3)   to develop a suitable curriculum with inter-action of science, art, and human


4)   to identify man-material resources and strategies for achieving the stipulated

aims of education.

5)   to develop certain models leading to improvement of the teaching-learning


6)   to develop the necessary aids and equipment to meet the educational purposes.

7)   to help in extending educational opportunities to masses especially neglected

sectors of community.

8)   to manage the whole educational system covering planning, implementing, and

evaluation phases.


(in view of the specific class room teaching)

1)   to identify and analyze the characteristics and educational needs of the pupils.

2)   to determine the specific class room objectives and state them in behavioural


3)   analyze the contents of instruction and organize it in proper sequence…

4)   to identify the available teaching-learning material and resources….

5)   to identify the nature of the interaction of the sub-systems like students, teachers,

teaching-learning material, content of instruction and methodologies.

6)   to plan the teaching strategies and utilize the man-material resources for

achieving specific class room objectives……

7)   to evaluate the effectiveness of the class room teaching in terms of the pupil’s

performance or change in behaviour….

8)   to provide feedback to the pupils as well as teachers to bring modification in the

teaching-learning process.




  1. 1)  Analysis of the process of teaching and learning…

  2. 2)  Spelling out the Educational goals or objectives

  3. 3)  Development of the curriculam . . .

  4. 4)  Development of teaching-learning material . . .

  5. 5)  Teacher training . .

  6. 6)  Development and selection of the teaching – learning strategies and

tactics . . . . . . .

  1. 7)  Development & selection & use of the appropriate Audio-visual aids….

  2. 8)  Effective utilization of the hardware and mass media . . . . . .

  3. 9)  Effective utilization of the sub-system of Education . . . . .

  4. 10) To provide essential feed-back and control through evaluation.

Use & Significance of ET (Indian context)

1)      Effective utilization of radio for broadcasting educational programmes…

2)      Well-development of television programmes . . .

3)      The training & re-training of school teachers . . .

4)      Distance Education . . .

5)      Correspondence education . . .

6)      The preparation, development, utilization of audio-visual aids and maintenance of hardware appliances & sophisticated gadgets . . .

7)      Contribution towards the development and functioning of the language lab.


  1. HARDWARE TECHNOLOGY: Hardware approach has physical science and engineering technology as its basis.

  2. Hardware approach has mechanized the whole teaching-learning process.  There is even reduction in the cost of education.  Indeed a revolution!

The teaching-learning process with improved technology as its basis is suggesting innumerable new ways of doing things to the class room teachers.

  1. A good many gadgets of teaching-learning find their place in their class-room situations and many more of that type are expected to enter into the class rooms in the near future.  The job and the duties of the teachers are likely to have multifaceted changes.

  2. As a result of Hardware technology, electro-mechanical equipments have been developed for instructional purposes.

  3. In the over-crowded class rooms, the teacher uses microphones for making his voice fully audible to the learners.

  4. Radio, TV, Tape-recorder, Epidiascope, Projector, CCTV, Teaching machines, computers are used for teaching the students.  Silverman (1968) called this type of ET as “Relative Technology”.

  5. According to Marilyn Nickson (1971), Educational Technology deals with the application of many fields of science to the educational needs of the individual as well as of society.

  6. Davis (1971) thinks that hardware approach is based on the application of physical teaching gradually so that teachers would be able to deal with more students, resulting in less cost and economy in finances.

  7. The three aspects of knowledge namely, Preservation, Expansion or transmission and Development allow the use of machines in education and so the teaching process has been mechanized.

  8. 1)  Preservation:

The history of preservation of knowledge exists since the printing machines started.  The knowledge is preserved in the form of books which are shelved in the libraries.  In addition to books, the knowledge is also preserved through tape-recorder, and films.

  1. 2)  Expansion

A teacher can himself impart knowledge to his pupils but such direct benefiters can be only small in number.  By transmission or expansion of the knowledge through machines like mike, radio, and television etc., thousands of pupils enjoy its benefits.  Surprising changes have occurred in the process of education due to educational technology.  The correspondence courses and open-university are the gifts of ET-1.

  1. 3)  DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE: In this aspect, efforts are made for research work.  Its main function is the collection and analysis of data.  For this purpose, the researcher uses the electronic machines and computers.

  2. In Software approach, the basis of all thinking and working is behavioral science and psychology of learning.

  3. The scholar can exploit psychology to any extent to attain the different objectives.

  4. With every new thinking, he can evolve something new for teaching purposes.

  5. The teacher with added knowledge of software can use the films, flashcards, tapes etc. for various purposes.

  6. Software approach uses the principles of psychology for the purpose of modification.

  7. In this connection, Davis (1971) observes: This view of educational technology is closely associated with the modern principles of programmed learning and is characterized by task analysis, writing precise objectives, selection of appropriate learning strategies, reinforcement of correct responses and constant education.

  8. Software approach is also called Instructional Technology or Teaching technology or Behavioral technology.

  9. It does not allow the use of engineering machines.

  10. The machines are used only to make the subject-matter effective.

  11. ET-2 is concerned with the teaching objectives in behavioral terms, principles of teaching, methods of teaching and techniques, reinforcement of instructional system, feed-back devices and evaluation.

  12. It develops all the three aspects namely Input, Process, and Output.

The relationship between ET-1 and ET-2

  1. ET-1 or Hardware approach means the use of machines in teaching

  2. ET-2 or Software approach means the use of teaching and learning principles.  Thus there is a close relationship between ET-1 & ET-2.

  3. Both are so interrelated that they cannot be separated from each other.  One without the other is incomplete.  It is software approach which makes the hardware approach function well.


  1. ET-3 is also known as Management technology.  It was developed after world war-II.

  2. It provided a scientific basis to the decision-making regarding the problems associated with administration, management, commerce, industry, and army.

  3. ET-3 helps in the development of educational administration and formulation of instructional out-line.

  4. Thus educational system, educational administration and management can be made more effective and less costly.


  1. The various forms of ET are as follows: 1)  Teaching Technology                       2) Instructional Technology 3) Behavioral Technology 4) Instructional Design Technology


  1. Teaching is a purposeful activity.  The ultimate goal is to bring allround development of a child.

  2. The knowledge and practice which help in realizing the goal is the content matter of teaching technology.

  3. Teaching is an art as well as science because teaching can be studied objectively and scientifically.  Teaching has the scientific foundation.  This has evolved the concept of ‘teaching technology’

  4. Teaching technology is the application of philosophical, sociological and scientific knowledge to teaching for achieving some specific learning objectives.

  5. I.K. Davies, N.L. Gagne, Robert Gagne, Bruner and Robert Glaser have contributed in this area of education.  Silverman has termed it as constructive educational technology.

Assumptions of teaching technology

  1. Teaching is a scientific process and it has two major components: Content and Communication.

  2. Teaching activities can be modified and improved.

  3. Teaching skills can be developed with the help of feedback devices.

  4. A close relationship may be established between teaching and learning.

  5. The learning objectives may be achieved by performing teaching activities. K. Davies and Robert Glaser . . .

  6. They have developed the content or technology of teaching and classified it into 4 elements:

  7. Planning of teaching

  8. Organisation of teaching

  9. Leading of teaching

  10. Controlling of teaching

  11. All the three types of objectives: Cognitive, Affective and psychomotor can be achieved by this technology.

  12. The philosophical, sociological and

  13. Scientific knowledge can be applied to teaching process.

  14. The teaching process can be made effective with the help of teaching technology

  15. The teaching can be organized from memory level to reflective level.

  16. Teaching technology implies the input, process, output aspects side by side.

  17. The content can be linked with communication for achieving the learning objectives.

  18. The teaching theories can be formulated by the use of teaching technology.

  19. The teacher – trainees and in-service teachers can improve their teaching and make it more purposeful.


  1. The instruction has an important role in human learning.  The systematic actions which induce learning is known as instruction.

  2. The instruction stands for development of knowledge and beliefs.

  3. Instructional technology means a network of techniques or devices employed to accomplish certain learning objectives.

  4. This implies the application of psychological and scientific principles and knowledge to instruction for achieving the learning objectives.

  5. The origin of instructional technology is from psychological laboratory experiments.

  6. The most important example of instructional technology is ‘programmed instruction’

  7. The programmed instruction and instructional technology can be used inter-changeably.


The instructional technology involves the following principles:

  1. Reinforcement can be provided continuously by the use of instruction

  2. The content can be divided in to its elements and each element can be presented independently.

  3. The external learning conditions can be created by arranging the elements in a logical sequence.

  4. The student can learn successfully without the physical presence of teacher.

  5. The strategies of instructions can be used for achieving the pre-determined learning objectives.

  6. The student can learn according to his needs and rate of learning.  CHARACTERISTICS OF I.T.

  7. The cognitive objective can be achieved successfully by the use of I.T.

  8. Reinforcement is provided with the help of right responses.

  9. Individual differences are taken care of in this technology.

  10. The students can learn at their own speed.

  11. It makes use of the psychological learning theories and principles.

  12. It provides deep inside in to the content structure.


  1. Behavioural technology uses the psychological principles in learning and teaching so that the behaviour of the teachers and pupils may be modified in accordance with the teaching objectives.

  2. As the present education is child-centred, every teacher should possess the knowledge of child-psychology to achieve the desired goals.

  3. Since psychology deals with every type of human behaviour, the behavioural technology has wider scope.

  4. It covers the area of industry, defence, commerce, communication, administration, health, motivation, training, education, teaching and instruction.

  5. The behavioural technology is the application of scientific knowledge in modifying the teacher-behaviour.  Thus it is also termed as training technology.

Assumptions of BT

  1. Teacher behaviour is observable

  2. TB is measurable & quantifiable

  3. TB is relative

  4. TB is social & psychological

  5. TB is modifiable

Characteristics of BT

  1. The specific teaching skills can be developed.

  2. It helps in developing the theory of teaching.

  3. The achievement of teaching can be evaluated objectively and in a systematic manner.

  4. Feed back devices can be used for the improvement of communication skills.

  5. The individual differences of pupils and teachers can be tackled.

  6. The knowledge and practice of behavioural technology may be an important instrument for training colleges to produce effective teachers.

  7. In class room, the behaviour technology concentrates on elements of behaviour.

  8. In behaviour technology, the theory and practice of class room teacher behaviour are included.

  9. In this technology, feedback devices for modification of teacher behaviour are also employed for developing teaching skills.

Utility of ET to the teachers

  1. Knowledge of technological advancements in the field of education is needed very much by all the teachers.  It is ET which provides clearcut information and knowledge to the teachers.

  2. The teachers become more efficient academically, professionally, and technologically.

  3. The teachers are able to learn how to prepare Modules, Programmed learning materials etc.  That way, they are able to contribute handsomely to the field of education.

  4. In the discharge of class room duties, the teachers are able to handle their techniques more confidently.

  5. Some teachers develop more interest in software.  They are able to create materials for their students.  Thus, the teachers learn how to make maximum use of the hardware aids.


  1. Impact of educational technology for over all development in different fields of life has been realized.

  2. The Green Revolution in agriculture, Hydro-electric projects in irrigation, production of heavy machinery and tools in industry and electronics are the result of technological advancement.

  3. Our technocrats and other experts are able to go abroad showing their excellences.

  4. To promote the use of mass media and instructional technology, the Government of India launched and educational project in 1972-73.

  5. The project was implemented with the collaboration of the United Nations Development programme (UNDP).

  6. The educational technology centre was set up in NCERT and its units were set up in some states.  The chief purpose was to improve education by the proper use of ET.

  7. National policy on education (1986) has stressed the important role of ET in the following ways:

  8. Establishment of National Open University . . .

  9. Establishments of Navodaya schools in some areas to train rural talents.

  10. Universalization of primary education through non-formal system.

  11. More effective use of ET is in the qualitative improvement of education, in existing school systems and universities.

  1. At present technology is being used in education in almost every country of the world.

  2. Today ET has become the pillars of education giving support and lending guidance and direction to it.

  3. Today ET has simplified the process of education, made the process of teaching-learning easy and economical.

  4. Application of hardware and software, systems approach etc.  have revolutionized education and training in the world.

  5. Educational technology is bound to improve the teachers considerably.  In the absence of working knowledge of this growing discipline, the teacher will find himself lagging behind in the modern system of teaching and learning.  In fact the teacher with his up-to-date knowledge of educational technology can work wonders in the discharge of his duties.

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