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Management Information System (MIS)


Management Information System is an integrated, user machine system for providing information to support operations, management and decision making functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer hardware and software, manual procedures, models for analysis, planning, control and decision making and a database.


Management has been viewed as a function a process, a profession or a class of people.


Information can be defined as the data which is organized and presented at a time and place. So that the decision maker may take necessary action, i.e. information is the result/product of processing data.

MIS by organization function:

The structure of an information system can also be described in terms of the organizational functions which use information. A typical set of functions in a manufacturing organization includes production, sales and marketing, finance and accounting, personnel and information systems. Top management can also be considered as a separate function. Each of these functions has unique information needs and each requires information system support designed for it.

Management with information system:

MIS refer to the computer based information processing system, which supports the operations, management and decision-making functions of an organization.

The basic aim of MIS is to provide information for management functions such as decision making in planning, control, etc…


Planning is basic to all managerial functions. It is a process of selecting one course of action from different alternatives, for achieving the stated goals, objectives and targets. It is a decision-making process determining in advance what to do, when to do and who is to do.

The first step in planning is forecasting the environment, in which the plan is to be made and operated. The second step in planning is determining alternative courses of action. The third step in the planning process is to evaluate the best among all the feasible alternatives.


Organizing is an important step in the managerial process and relates to the people on an enterprise. It deals with a quantitative and a qualitative aspect of man power an terms of placement, the roles they play and the relations amongst them with the aim that they work together effectively towards accomplishing the goals, objectives and the targets of the organization.

The organization could be formal or informal. While create the organization, attention is given to an appropriate splitting of the enterprise activities, by way of function and grouping them in such a way that they from a division, a department, a section or a formal group.


The last but the most important step in the process of management is controlling, the successful execution of management plan. Without control, the process becomes unproductive. The purpose of control is to regulate the process in such a way that the management process continuously strives for the achievement of the goals, objectives and targets.

v  The control is exercised through a system.

v  The control system works on the principle of feedback.

v  Time is the essence of control.

v  Auditing is also a tool of control.


When data is organized in useful form it is considered as information. For the purpose of MIS the term information can be considered to mean processed data in a meaningful form for the user, which has an application or specific usage value.

Architecture and example for MIS:

Architecture of MIS

MIS is an information system that facilitates the management by providing structured, summarized reports on a regular and regular and recurring basis.

The output such MIS are produced routinely and used primarily for controlling activities. The user submit request for reports to the MIS programs. They in turn process the TPS (Transaction Processing System) data by aggregating and reformatting it producing reports. These reports are either printed or displayed on the manager’s workstation.

In some cases, the reports are automatically generated. For example the MIS programs may be written to produce a certain series of reports every Monday morning or at the end of some other period.

In some cases the MIS application does not react the operational TPS data directly. Instead an extract of TPS data is made and the done for a verity of reasons –to- provide security for TPS data, to transfer data across computers when the TPS and the MIS operate on different machines or to consolidate data to make MIS processing more efficient.

An example-MIS application:

For a consultation agency giving regular seminars its profitability depends on the seminar price, on the cost of food, rooms and services in the hotel in which the seminar is held and on the number of attendees. The following set of equations has been developed to determine profitability:

Profit                  = revenue – total expense

Revenue             = number of attendees X seminar price

Total expense     = fixed cost + variable cost

Fixed cost          = hotel cost + travel expense

Variable cost      = Rs. 2000 X number of attendees.

The above equations are simple model of the profitability of the seminars. These equations are stored on a disk labeled MIS data. These equations can be used before or after a seminar, a projection of the seminars expected profitability could be obtained. If these equations are used after a seminar, then these produce the actual profit or loss achieved. The management can now know what the profit form the seminar was.


The most widely use input device after the key board and mouse is a bar code reader. It is an optical input device. The most common type of bar code readers is flatbed model which is commonly found in super market and deportment store.

These devices convert a bar code which is a pattern of printed bars on products into a code. The computer can understand this kind of codes. The bar code emits a beam of light frequency a laser beam that is reflected by the bar code image. After the detector has identify the bar code it convert the individual bar patterns into numeric digits. The bar code reader feeds the number to the computer. As though the number had been typed on the key board.


Bar code readers are used in grocery stores that can read bar code and translate them into numbers, and input the numbers in to computer system.


The bar code reader is special type of image scanners. Image scanners also called scanners. It converts any printed image into electronic form by shining light on to the image and sensing the intensity of the lights reflection at every point.


Color scanners use fitters to separate the components of color into the primary preservative colors (red, green and blue) at each point red green and blue are known as primary additive colors, because they can be combined to create any other colors.

The image scanners are translating the printed images into an electronic format that can be stored in a computer memory.



Computers are used widely in offices, stores, homes, government agencies and hospitals. Hence in our day-to-day life computer is inevitable because of the advancement of computers.

In computer we have word processing, which is used to create, edit and produce text documents. Microsoft word is also a word processing program that we can use it to compose our own ideas as a personal documents and business documents.

M.S Word:

M.S word is also appear on the desk top as an icon and by double clicking the icon we can easily go to the Microsoft word defectively.

M.S word is usually used to create letters, fax, annual reports, news letters and books. Thus M.S word has the power and flexibility to create some documents easily and quickly.

In M.S word on top, we have lights of menus which help us to create documents in our own, such as file, edit, insert, tools, table and window.

M.S Excel:

All business has the need to maintain accurate records regularly. At the same time business products, stocks, accounts keeping all require a computer based system for the business management.

M.S Excel is a spread sheet program with that we can organize our   data into lists and then summaries, compare and present our data graphically.

M.S Excel is used to find the sum, average and maximum value for sales. It is used to create a graph showing the percentage of sales which clearly shows the range of sales in every month. Thus we can compare the total sales with the sales of other days in the same week there by improve our business and gain more profit.

In excel also we can add data change how the data looks and summaries the data. In M.S excel we have work sheet or work area there we can work on our own regarding many things about accounting store data and to find average etc…

M.S. Power Point:

M.S power point is mainly used for creating different presentation. We can use the power point auto content wizard which guides the steps for creating a presentation.

By using one of the power point presentation templates we ca do our own presentation or drawings. Here we have different slide which shows our presentation effective and colorful and it forms as a beautiful background for our presentation.

We can create presentation based on the style of an existing presentation. Power point templates simply contain a re-designed style and layouts for your slide that we can modify according to our own wish.

Computer Base Library System


Web based technology allows end users to access information directly. It often available from remote locations twenty four hours a day. Web based global library is unlike any library we have seen. It has million of authors. The collection of information’s is stored related to the topic. Educational virtual library is used to gather information by various educational levels.

Educational level:

  1. Primary level

  2. Secondary level

  3. Tertiary

  4. Post graduate

Primary level contains the information of class 1 to 6. Secondary level contains the details of class 7 to 12. Tertiary level contains the information about UG degree and post graduate contain the details of PG class.

Resources provided:

v  Bibliography

v  Books

v  Course details

v  Database

v  Lectures and tutorial

v  Teaching methodologies

v  Educational technologies

From the above resources the user can easily get the information related to their topic from the library.


It offers instruction in different format to provide students with mere flexibility. When we browse we find material on a wide variety of topic that may be of interest to people in various fields. Learning process activated when we come across new information. So it gives a chance for self-learning.

Adding our site to library:

We can also add our site to the library, if we maintain online education information that is not included in the list and we can add our site to the educational virtual library.


1)   The student can get the information accurately and quickly.

2)   It promotes active learning

3)   Students can access to computer with sound and animation.

4)   Students can occur practical knowledge.

5)   It contains the reference materials for their text books.

6)   It allows group collaboration and cooperative learning.

7)   It provides multiple levels of interaction.

8)   It offers virtual learning environment.


Administrations are pairing millions in to library and information technology to better connect users to information resources. Librarian must know how to utilize all information and tools and continue to create innovative information services, using these new technologies. Each professional must make a life long commitment to continuous development and education. Because the goal of competence is a moving target.

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