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Various Managerial Roles of a Teacher in a School


Teacher – Meaning

The common man’s perception specifies teacher as a person who teaches in a school. He shows somebody how to do something so that they can do on their own.

Teacher –  Traits

Teaching is a noble profession. Professionally, a teacher should possess

Teacher – Multiple Roles

The society ventures a lot of expectations on a teacher and considers a teacher as a role model in all walks of life.  He doesn’t   have not only a role to play  inside the classroom but  also in the society at various levels.

Management – What is it about?

ü  It is about setting directions, aims and objectives.

ü  It is about planning for progress.

ü  It is about organizing available resources.

ü  It is a controlling process.

ü  It is a planned activity for improving the organization.

Teacher as a Manager

The rate of successful learning out put depends on the rate of successful classroom management. Every teacher inside and outside the class is bound with the obligation of Managing.  A teacher in no way can escape from the managerial responsibilities both at micro and macro level.  The changing role of a teacher that gives more autonomy and responsibility allows making decisions more at their level, extending their managerial role.

Management process in the school:

Management processes are those processes which are performed by managers. A teacher being a manager of a classroom has to perform these 5 following managerial functions.

  1. 1.         Planning

  2. 2.         Organizing

  3. 3.         Direction

  4. 4.         Motivation

  5. 5.         Controlling

Managerial Roles of a Teacher

A Teacher is all-in-all inside the classroom and it is   up to him to manage the classroom along with the students towards progressive learning.

Resources inside the classroom at the disposal of a teacher can be divided into three. They are Human, Material and Finance resources and these resources have to be effectively managed by a teacher.  Thus based on these resources, it becomes mandatory for a teacher to manage them.  So every teacher has a role              in

He has to make moral judgments on every day happenings of his academic events considering Philosophical, Sociological and Psychological basements.

A teacher is held accountable to

  1. Students

  2. Colleagues

  3. Management

  4. Parents

  5. Government  and

  6. Society.

Hence a teacher has to execute his managerial roles with utmost care and vigilance.   His vital role becomes apparent and evident in

  1. 1.         Management of Curricular activities

  2. 2.         Management of Classrooms discipline

  3. 3.         Management of Resources

  4. 4.         Management of Examinations

  5. 5.         Management of co-curricular and extra curricular activities

  6. 6.         Management of Conflicts

  7. 7.         Management of Time

1.         Management of Curricular Activities:

Bond’s Encyclopedia of Education defines, “Curriculum is al the experience which a pupil ha under the guidance of the School”.  The UNESCO committer on Primary School Curriculum states, “ A curriculum shows  by what kind of educational activities the teacher will fulfill the requirement so the syllabus”.  The success of curricular activates is dependent on Planning and execution of that plan.   Hence a teacher has to manage the curricular activities primarily concerned with instructional activities meticulously.

2.         Management of Classrooms Discipline:

Any group living is bound with discipline for allowing the other members to pursue their goals without interference.  A teacher maintains a formal classroom with students ranging from 40 to 80 in number with below average, average and above average students.  Every student is unique. Maintaining these students without hurting their deeper selves and dragging them towards learning sustainable without corporal    punishment is a special skill that  helps them to manage the multi-talented young students.

3.         Management of Resources:

A Resourceful teacher will manage the resources maximum    to utilize the available resources to develop manpower resource.  The bounty of classroom students is the best resources to handle teaching learning process effectively.  Besides it a teacher has material resources like laboratory, library, play ground, learning aids and etc.  Using them, a teacher can make his teaching effective.

4.         Management of Examinations:

 In the present world of competitive living, where   selection and screening is based on examination, it is no wonder that the whole educational scenario revolves around examination.  Understanding the importance of examination, he should plan the schedule, identify suitable examination technique, administration, adequate preparation without giving room for any foul play.

 5.        Management of co-curricular and extra curricular activities:

The development of the complete self, aiming at self-realization, is the ultimatum of education.   The development of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains is given accesses to through the planned co-curricular and extra curricular activities like N.C.C.,  N. S. S., tour, games and  sports.

6.         Management of Conflicts:

 A class room is a multi lingual, multi racial, multi religious and multi societal layered mix up.  Maintaining them all harmoniously without any conflict is in the hands of the teacher.  If conflict arises, it has to be attended to immediately by the teacher, to avoid further emotional and physical disturbances.

 7.        Management of Time:

‘He who manages the present time will manage all times’.   Time is gold.  We can never get back the lost time.  Past is past. A teacher has just 40 minutes in   his hands to teach per period.  Within the time he should motivate, present, review, summarize and give assignment.  Thus requires the art of time management for a teacher.


Management is both an Art and a Science. He who manages this art scientifically is bound to win in all his endeavorurs.  A teacher is not an exemption to this fact. Hence, let all teachers develop their managerial skills become successful in their profession.

Thank you.

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